Our Grade two students are working on some exciting projects with the Masters of Design students at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (NSCAD): the design of a playground and a series of three short design projects that focus on open-ended play as a means of expanding material development in bio-plastics. Working from the materials collected by the grade two students from the shoreline of Point Pleasant Park, the projects will be centred on bio-plastics made from local materials - clay, seaweed, algae and pectin. Between the two projects, the students will experience weekly design activities that will result in small, take-home projects throughout the term as well as learning about design process. Through a reciprocal learning environment, the grade . two students and the NSCAD design students share their expertise within the classroom as they draw connections between the natural world and their creative processes.
Most recently, they were exploring with clay made out of the seaweed, algae and pectin that they collected (pictured below). Stay tuned for updates on their NSCAD projects in upcoming newsletters!