Our middle school environmental club - the Green Gryphons are helping the environment and those in need this winter with their CoverMe campaign.
For the campaign, our students are currently collecting any clean, unwearable textile items like holey sweaters, stained blankets, hats, mitts, scarves, or socks etc. and in the new year, they will be making them into blankets. The blankets will be provided to various shelters around Halifax, helping to keep those in the shelters warm during the cold winter months.
In Nova Scotia, textile waste accounts for 12% of our solid waste stream, this is equal to 32 kg per person each year. Ripped or stained textiles that can’t be donated often end up in landfills and by reusing those textiles we can help them from going into landfills.
The Grammar community is encouraged to look in their homes for textile items that can be donated. A donation bin will be located in the middle school until the end of the semester. In the new year, we will also be looking for volunteers to help assemble and knit blankets. To sign-up to be a volunteer please email Ms. Lawrence at alawrence@hgs.ns.ca.