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ARTS: Grammar students make their mark in the FIN Kids Youth Film Competition

In May, the FIN Kids Youth Film Competition, ran by the FIN Atlantic International Film Festival, hosted a virtual competition for youth across Atlantic Canada to submit, shoot and submit their best films!

Halifax Grammar School made its impact on the festival, with a total of 12 Grammar students becoming finalists in the competition. Out of the six winners in the competition, three Grammar students took home awards for their excellent work. Congratulations to Will Hardman '22, Yuanchen Isabella Wu '21 and James Rankin '24!

The creativity and talent our students show time after time never fails to make the Grammar Community proud. To watch the films from the 2021 competition winners, CLICK HERE.

We would also like to congratulate the following Grammar students for making it to the competition finals; your hard work doesn't go unnoticed!

Far From Home - Isabella Wu '21

The History Test - Declan Baskett '23, Yoyo Ren '23, Isabella Wu '21, Kian Amiree '23

The Dream - Owen Yang '23

Operation Retriever - Kosta Georgakakos '26

Mute All - Lara Jolliemore-Behie '21

The Phone - Rebecca Yang '23, Molly Yu '23, Sara Shen '23, Owen Yang '23

Magic Muffin - Lauren Boon '23, Katie Dickson '23

In the Jungle - Adam Clarke '23, Eddric Yeung '23, Mason Trask '23, Bill Li '23

Bob the Blob - Haniya Qadeer '21



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